Our Mission
Remnant Revival Outreach Center
Reaching the lost, as Jesus did.
A chosen group of people, committed to God's mission, with a passionate desire to harness their utmost potential in Christ!
Helping believers find their true purpose in Christ, reigniting the church's original mission, and welcoming back those who've lost their faith.
Venturing into all corners of society to connect with those who've lost their way. Demonstrating God's power through miracles, signs, and wonders. Drawing in those who've strayed from the faith, and those who’ve never had faith in Jesus Christ.
A center represents a hub where various ministries unite. It's a place where believers, or 'saints', are equipped and discipled, held accountable, fostering growth in spiritual maturity and stature, with the ultimate aim of being dispatched to the nations.
The 3 Step Process
In Christ, the concept of being used by God often refers to the process of becoming a willing vessel for His work, purposes, and glory. This concept is deeply intertwined with discipleship, membership, and leadership in the church.
Watch and learn from the discipleship course
Pass your test and become a solider
Walk into your calling with certification
The Gospel Is Free
Join our free group for discipleship and growth in Christ