I came to know The RROC through my husband. Back then, I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, but I lacked a church to call home. Desperate to grow in Christ, I searched and prayed for a local church that would take me in and help me stay accountable.
Around this time, my husband, who hadn't yet found salvation, crossed paths with Pastor Rich at a 7-Eleven gas station. Pastor Rich and a group of fellow believers were evangelizing, and my husband ended up exchanging numbers with him. It wasn't until seven months later that my husband reached out to Pastor Rich and was invited to a revival. It was there that he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior - a profound answer to my prayers.
The very next day, we both were baptized in Pastor Rich’s backyard. Since then, our lives have intertwined with The RROC. We have served diligently, always supporting the vision and mission of the church, which in turn has brought about significant change in our lives.
The RROC taught us what it truly means to be followers of Christ, and how to nurture our relationship with Him. From the get-go, The RROC welcomed us like family. They embodied love, teaching us that it's not just about words, but about action. They emphasized obedience to the Lord and the dangers of lukewarm faith.
The church has always been there for me, mentoring and guiding me in my spiritual growth. The pastors consistently provide spiritual cover, praying and supporting me. The RROC turned out to be the answer to my prayers - a family church that I longed for.
Now, after a year, my zeal for Christ remains unquenched. My growth in Him has been exponential because of my insatiable hunger to learn more about Jesus. I am now a Deaconess at the church, leading a marriage ministry together with my husband. I strive every day to be more like Christ, learning to put others before myself.
Through The RROC, I've been encouraged to persevere, no matter what hurdles come my way. The church has highlighted the importance of a relationship with Christ, and it's within this community that I've seen immense growth. I've witnessed deliverances, people being set free, and the expansion of The RROC's reach to international borders, with lead deacons assigned for accountability.
The RROC has flourished thanks to Pastor Rich and Pastor Carline's obedience and sacrifice. I am wholeheartedly behind the vision and the mission. Proudly, I can say that I am a committed soldier for The RROC and wouldn't have it any other way.