The RROC, along with Pastor Rich and Pastor Carline, have been instrumental in my walk with God. A year and a half ago, I was just a fledgling in my Christian faith. Having not grown up in a Christian household, I had minimal knowledge about the scripture or Christian principles.
On my very first day at The RROC, I experienced a profound deliverance from the spirits of Jezebel, witchcraft, and homosexuality. It was right after this liberation that I was filled with the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues. Since that pivotal day, my walk with God has been true and transformative.
Today, I'm a different person. My life has been transformed for the better, and I'm happily married to a wonderful man of God, who I met at the church. Being part of The RROC congregation has taught me immensely. It's here that I experienced deliverance, revelation, and soul transformation. My growth in various aspects of life testifies to the power of the Holy Spirit that's palpable in The RROC.
Pastor Rich and Pastor Carline have served as outstanding leaders, teaching me how to correct my path, love deeply, seek God, encourage others, and display humility through my actions. I'm eternally grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to be part of this vital operation within the body of Christ.
Pastor Rich and Pastor Carline have always been genuine with me, and their authenticity is borne out of their deep relationship with Jesus. Their faithful stewardship extends not just to my soul but to many others as well. It's truly a blessing to serve God at The RROC.